Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Maybe everyone isn't cost conscious...But considering our class' track record for showing up for reunion type events, I was not so sure charging people for the class party would boost the turnout.

Two things happened since I had that thought.
1) SPA offered a supplement to the class party...(I helped a teeny bit with the planning and found this out).
2) I got invited to the Armstrong Senior High 20 year reunion (a separate story). Classmembers there were charged $65 per person for an evening with a cash bar at the local Holiday Inn Express.

Suddenly the bargain hunter in me saw things differently. The SPA class party is a very good deal for a cool looking place. As a minivan owner, I can't talk to the "hipness" of anything. But Cafe Lurcat looks upscale, is surrounded by fun places to just walk around (a park and the sculpture garden), and I am pretty sure I recall that the evening comes with some hors d'ouvres and at least one complimentary beverage (what does a drink downtown go for now days? Seems like $25 is a steal!).

That's just the class specific event on Saturday.

The evening before we can check out the art work of classmate Rich Barlow and walk around through school (heck maybe even pilfer a ball of clay and throw a piece on a wheel) for free! The all school dinner is just $35 (for a full meal, an adult beverage (possibly two?), and childcare provided).

This is not an exhaustive list (check the full schedule of events that has or will soon arrive by regular mail) but we have a weekend of fun available to us for less than a single night, at least compared to one other school's reunion.

Hope you can make it.

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