Hello all. It's great to see your names and read your stories.
Attached is a family photo that just barely missed the cut for the Christmas card last year. This blog gives me the chance to share it! Nothing but class, I know.
Anyway, pictured is my bride Ava of 9 years and our daughters Jenna 7 and Megan 5.8767 (future math major, like her old man...). We live in Victoria MN, and have been here for 6 or 7 years after stints in Austin Texas (same time as Pat) and Albuquerque New Mexico. It has been great to be back in MN. After swearing off the northern climate during a fit of naive hostility, we have made great new friends, connected with old ones, and found a great quality of life.
Update on me... Like Dave Salchow, I too suffered the wrath of math with Mr Driscoll (sp?). I didn't have the hutspa to whip chalk at him, rather, I bottled up my rage and humiliation and muddled onward like a good Minnesotan, ah, um (25 cents please). A some point, dumb-kid performance turned to a strength and I started to get it. That success led to math, physics, and engineering in undergrad and eventually business school. I'm currently a Business Development Manager at MTS Systems in Eden Prairie. We make testing systems. Basically, we make big stuff that breaks big stuff. Customers include Boeing, NASA, BMW, Ferrari, and others. Yes, we get paid to break stuff, often expensive stuff, ... and yes, I'm still five at heart. I manage start-up endeavors and attend to other forward-looking opportunities. I must credit the creative thinking emphasis at SPA, as I rely on the perspectives and thoughts we were taught every day.
Travel in this and other jobs has taken me to about 15 countries, including a one year stay in Korea. Although time away from home is hard, I consider the experiences to be a great source of personal wealth. Ava is a huge supporter and makes it work at home.
On the personal side, I have retained my interest and participation in outdoor activities. Water skiing continues to be a mainstay and I have enjoyed passing the knowledge to Ava and Jenna. It has been a busy year as I have also tried my hand at boat building and competed in my first triathlon.
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone.
If only more holiday cards had photos like this one!
Looking forward to seeing you in September.
Dan, I showed your photo to a co-worker, who then sent me this link of other holiday card contenders:
Great to hear from you again! Hopefully you're in MN to stay this time.
Dude - the wife and family! You really out-punted the coverage on that one.
BTW - I got a ton of new jokes for you.
Jenna has your eyes...
Look forward to seeing you.
...though come to think of it...
Terry seems to have gotten my mouth.
People in glass houses...
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