Monday, September 22, 2008

Hi Everyone,

I am sorry that I cannot make it to the reunion on the 27th. It would be great to see everyone. So in the spirit of letting everyone know what I am up to, here goes, briefly.

After college I went straight to graduate school in biochemistry and received a PhD in 1998 from Michigan State University. It took me nearly six years to get my PhD due to the amount of extra curricular activities I partook in; namely ultimate Frisbee, Bells Amber Ale, concerts, and general socializing. I also met my future wife, Laurence, while I was in graduate school. Laurence also has a PhD in biochemistry and she is from a town near Toulon, France. As a result, we go to southern France for a couple of weeks a year. Good food and good drinking makes for a tough life. Near the end of our time in East Lansing, Laurence and I got married in 1999. We then began our journey around the country getting additional scientific training prior to our current positions. We lived in Seattle for a little under a year since the person I was working with decided to move his laboratory to San Diego. So we moved to San Diego.

In San Diego, I worked at a company that is now closed, and Laurence worked as the Scripps Research Institute. We lived in Encinitas, CA, which is a fabulous town. The biggest challenge out there is traffic, and it is horrid, but the fish tacos and sun make up for a great deal of traffic. We also had our first kid out there, Alex, who is now 7 ½. After 2 ½ years in San Diego I decided I wanted to get an academic job rather than work in industry. I applied for a number of assistant professor positions at universities around the country and I was lucky to be in a hot field at the right time. As a result of this we moved to Kansas City to take positions at the Stowers Institute for Medical Research. If you are curious about the Institute and what our lab does here’s a link, we are science geeks, no doubt about it ( Kansas City is quite a change from southern CA, but in fact we like it more. Much less frenetic, people are nicer, and we don’t spend 2 hours in the car everyday. In Kansas City, we had our 2nd son, Rafael, who is now 3 ½. They are both nuts and want to play just about every sport imaginable, although Rafael has a tendency to make up his own rules.

Here is a recent picture of all of us. Hopefully the two of them get their hair from their mom’s side of the family.
Hope all of you are doing well.

Best regards,


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