Saturday, June 28, 2008

Losing my (blog) viginity

Now after getting your attention with my oh so salacious title I will proceed to bore you to death with details of my life that you will wish you can forget. Did I mix tenses there? I hope Dave doesn't invite any of our English teachers to the blog. Anyway, Kevin Stenson here. Dave has clearly put so much effort into this that I figured I should ante up with a post as well.

After leaving SPA I went to Bates College (with Fred Kaemmer) followed by graduate school in physics at Wisconsin-Madison. After being a post-doc for a few years at Vanderbilt (Nashville) and Colorado, I am now an Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado - Boulder. I have to admit Boulder is not a bad place to live with skiing at Vail only a 2 hour drive away (once you know how to beat the traffic).

The last two summers I have spent much of my time in Geneva, Switzerland, working on getting our experiment ready for the turn on of the Large Hadron Collider this fall. Geneva is on the French/Swiss border and the collider actually is an underground ring 15 miles around. My French has not improved much since Dave taught me the drug vocabulary he learned in French class. I can read most of the menu now so I know when I am ordering horse (pretty much like cow) and I can laugh at people accidentally getting liver. I am currently living in the basement of a house owned by a German woman so in the evenings I get to watch German satellite TV. Although I finished 3rd year German at SPA that knowledge has mostly evaporated. As a result, I have watched more soccer the last two weeks than I believed possible. Also one of the stations seems to have a thing for old professional wrestling events, especially Wrestlemania, which makes me think of Dave every time. Oh and last night I had Le Big Mac Extra Value Meal and for the drink I got a draft beer (no extra charge). With the McFlurry desert the total was about $13 but that's still about the cheapest meal around.

I guess I will wrap up this post and save some anecdotes for another time. I would like to thank the reunion committee for setting this up. Adding this post was definitely more fun than failing to get my code to run correctly. Unfortunately, I will probably not make it to the reunion but I do enjoy reading the blog posts.


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