Sunday, April 13, 2008


Welcome former classmates!

I've created this blog to begin generating interest and excitement about our upcoming 20 year reunion. Your reunion committee will be reconnecting with as many alumni/ae as we possible can and also working to select a site for our class party. We are especially interested in ideas about a location. The SPA alumni counsel has provided us a budget of $500, so we clearly are looking for efficient ways to locate the party and stretch the budget as far as possible. More details about the reunion will be forthcoming shortly as spring is upon us.

Your reunion committee consists of:

Rich Barlow
Fred Kaemmer
Chris Cheney
Dan Deuel
Jennifer Bastyr (O'Brien)
David Salchow

The purpose of this blog is to share your memories, tell us a little about your current life, or anything you think will be of interest. I'd like this blog to be open to anyone who attended SPA with us for any period of time; not just fellow graduates. I'd also love to here from classmates who came a few years before or after.

I'm new to blogging, so I'll need to work out the administration and security, such as how to keep out the spammers. Bear with me and I'll hammer out the details in the coming weeks!

Again, welcome to the blog. I'm excited about its possibilities and look forward to re-connecting with as many of you as possible. Please feel free to contact me directly at




jobrienreg said...

Hi Dave,
I'm sorry I missed the very first planning meeting this weekend (another volunteer commitment conflict). Is there another meeting scheduled? Or how can I help? $500 ain't much for a party!

jobrienreg said...

And thanks for setting up the blog! Great idea.

Pat Kambhampati said...

Hi Dave (and others at large),

Thanks for setting this up. Unfortunately I am rather decoupled from the Minnesota scene these days. But I do miss the old town quite a bit and look forward to hearing from other SPA'ers.

Since the old days, I have been in Carleton, Los Angeles, Austin Texas, Los Angeles, and now Montreal. I have been here since 2003 where I am a Professor of Chemistry at McGill University. I am here with my wife Jennifer and sons Rohan (3.5) and Nico (1.5). Montreal is a good place, but not as good as the Twin Cities!

I presume there must be some kind of reunion looming ahead. Sorry I can't make it. Would have enjoyed seeing old friends, old stomping grounds, and some old skool regression.


Dave Salchow said...

Aw, come on Pat! The reunion is in late September and the class party is on a Saturday night! Don't write us off so soon; pencil it in. Bring the boys with. We'll go afterward.

Anyway, nice to hear from you and keep us in mind!